Photo by Greg Rakozy at Unsplash.
what does it mean to flourish?
to flourish is to live lightly, meaningfully, and interdependently
as part of the whole community of life on Earth
ecozoic living: a pathway to flourishing
Ecozoic Living is learning to be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner.
learning to be present to the planet is en-lightening
a lighter footprint, a lighter heart
learning to be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner is empowering
a deeper sense of purpose
to participate in the flourishing of the whole community of life on Earth
is to discover for yourself
a meaningful way to
Be Here Now
in these incredibly challenging times
Learn more about flourishing...together:
workshops and events
online courses
online community
Take Action
Enter the spiral path of flourishing:
take a course
connect with community
pick up resources
“The Great Work now...
is to carry out the transition
from a period of human devastation of the Earth
to a period when humans would be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner.”
Thomas Berry envisioned a time he called the Ecozoic Era, when human beings from cultures
committed to the exploitation and instrumental use of the planet
(in Berry's words, relating to the Earth as a 'collection of objects' rather than a 'communion of subjects')
would learn to be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner.
To learn more, read The Great Work: Our Way into the Future.
'Ecozoic Living' is the activation of this vision
our Co-Flourishing Projects
Nature and Forest Therapy Guides
Cosmic Person Lucy has added becoming a Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide to her skills in healing therapies. There are a few of us cross-pollinating the CoFlourishing & Nature Connection spaces, including Convener Jana Norman. We've formed a collective called Nature & Wellbeing Australia to share the work.
Amongst It! Nature Connection Projects
Members of the Community of the Cosmic Person are involved in several projects about local nature connection as part of the Amongst It! grants program. (The projects are: Forest Bathing Walk with the Cancer Care Centre (Bronwyn, Alex, & Jana); Noticing Nature in Morialta (Alex & Jana); Located! Being Onkaparingan (Debbie & Jana, pictured above).