Do you want to save the world?
asks Margaret Wheatley in So Far from Home: lost and found in our brave new world.
She goes on to suggest that, if so, give it up. But don't give up the work. "But we do not give up our work. We act with greater clarity and courage once freed from oppressive ambition. And we cheerfully choose a new role, transforming from saviour to warrior."
Wheatley defines "warriorship" as "warriors for the human spirit, people brave enough to refrain from adding to the fear and aggression of this time." She says, "Of course it's hard - what isn't these days? I just want to be struggling for the right things."
These are the thoughts swirling around the CCP this week. The rhythm of life within this experiment in Ecozoic Living rests on staying grounded in the sense of doing the good work of "learning to be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner" without holding any grandiose ideas about outcomes.
So we garden in the small space of the roof top not to feed the world, or even ourselves, but because feeding the soil is the right thing to do. The harvests are gifts, and celebrating them is the right thing to do.
It seems so small, and it is. Thankfully, small is beautiful.
The first Cosmic Connection newsletter is coming out at the Solstice (21 December). Have you subscribed?
“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.”
CCP has started daily Cosmic Quotes on YouTube. Check them out on FB or Twitter. (And send through your own favourite quotes that inspire your Ecozoic Living for us to feature!)