Anyway and Despite
As the CCP Experiment crew put finishing touches on the green wall this week, neighbours stopped by to say nice things about it. Instant community! When we said that the herbs were for everyone, feel free to pick as/when you need something, the woman from across the street said, "You've got to try my tomatoes!" and went and picked a bag for us.
There was another woman from down the street a little ways who could only say, "You know some of those plants will die."
Well, yes. We do know that. But we've planted them anyway and despite that very real possibility. Hopefully one day she'll pop round for a wee bit of basil...
What LTBP (learning to be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner) undertaking did you do anyway and despite this week? It's all we've got, all we've ever had, and it is probably just enough.
BTW - some very engaging conversations are springing up on the new Facebook Group page. Have a look and join in.
thanks, Adelaide City Council, for the green grant that's helped make this possible at CCP HQ