posting by Jana
burning the dried christmas tree at the winter solstice
It must have been too dark and cold last week to post an update on the Community. But I did manage to post a Winter Solstice newsletter to subscribers. Have you subscribed yet? You can do so here.
It's much colder here in Ballarat for the weekend than in Adelaide, or so it seems. Good to be holed up with family in a wood-stove heated house reading The Posthuman by Rosi Braidotti and eating home-made bread.
I admit to not being 'the dream catcher type' but here's a beauty by Cosmic Person Sharon in Ballarat using reclaimed family heirloom doilies and some clever craftiness
How do you spend your cold, rainy Ecozoic Sundays?
Last Sunday was bright and fine in Adelaide and a few of the Community of the Cosmic Person gathered for conversation at the Market Shed on Holland. The conversation was authentic, energetic, and wide-ranging.
One topic we seem to keep picking at like a thread in the CCP is how to feel as if one is doing 'enough' about the state of the world especially in terms of anthropogenic climate change. Of course the answer is always that it's impossible to feel one is ever doing enough, but then comes the question about what can one person do anyway? The size, scale, and complexity of the issues is overwhelming. Despair lurks and occasionally jumps out and mugs the unsuspectingly hopeful. But do, and be, we must. It has to be enough to do what one can, to be as real as we can be.
It's been really good for me to connect with others and just talk about these things, both in the couple of local face-to-face gatherings and online in the Facebook group and through the Coursera specialisation, 'Journey of the Universe.'
There's a new forum page on this website, too, that can help us connect. Anyone can start a conversation thread...