
Year of Living the Community: Week Five

A funny thing happened on the way to figuring out next steps for the Community of the Cosmic Person: we realised that by playing to our strengths, we can create a Certificate in Ecozoic Living for ourselves and others. 

One of us has been a professor of English Lit at the Uni for 20 years (recently promoted to Associate Professor - well done, M!) 

Two of us have been writing adult education materials for 15 years.

One of us is in the midst of a Coursera specialisation "Journey of the Universe"

And so the course writing begins...

blue cornflower from the CCP HQ rooftop

blue cornflower from the CCP HQ rooftop

Year of Living the Community of the Cosmic Person: Week Two

The team watched Journey of the Universe together - it features in a Coursera course Jana is taking. 

Jana writes:
The movie made me think about 4 characteristics of the Cosmic Person

  • connectedness: it suggests a radically de-personalised sense of being part of the whole and I find this liberating

  • subjectivity: the frame of reference changes - one is a subjective part of the universe rather than (or as well as) a particular individual

  • communion: the story is about the bond of all things being based on the shared energy and material of the "great flaring forth" (aka the Big Bang)

  • differentiation: these two realities - communion and differentiation - are somehow no longer dualistic; being unique configurations of the same energy and material means that both communion and differentiation are equally and concomitantly true